10. Software Architecture
The following section describes the diagnostics and safety focused BMS software architecture as depicted in Fig. 10.1. This layer-based architecture facilitates hardware and operating independent BMS implementations applying the design paradigms, that
All application code runs in a simple operating system context and
MCU and external hardware dependent drivers are abstracted by the provided wrappers/abstraction layers.

Fig. 10.1 foxBMS 2 - Software architecture
A hardware abstraction layer (HAL) provides various interfaces to directly access the hardware and its peripherals. This enables encapsulation of the actual BMS software implementation from the hardware and eases porting the foxBMS 2 software to different microcontrollers.
The open-source real-time operating system FreeRTOS is the centerpiece of the software architecture. Its reliable kernel is ideally suited to ensure the compliance of all soft and hard real-time requirements of a battery-management system. Furthermore, it provides a migration path to SafeRTOS, which includes certifications for the medical, automotive and industrial sector, if a certification is required by the application.
The foxBMS 2 software itself, executed within the operating system context, is grouped into three different layers:
A dedicated foxBMS Driver Layer uses the MCU-Wrapper to provide different communication interfaces (e.g., CAN, UART, SPI) to acquire measurement data, monitor status of hardware components (e.g., supply voltages, transceivers, real-time clock) as the well ass the communication with the BMS-Slaves.
Diagnostic functions and error handling, system monitoring (for hard- and software) and interfaces to the data-exchange module are the most important tasks of the foxBMS Engine Layer. The data-exchange module, sometimes also called database ensures a reliable and safe asynchronous data exchange between different tasks and/or software modules. It is implemented based on a producer/consumer pattern. The exchanged data is always produced by a single data producer and then stored in the data-exchange module. Afterwards, it can be used by multiple consumers while the data integrity is always ensured.
The actual BMS implementation including the monitoring of the safety critical parameters (e.g., safe-operating area, contactor state, communication errors), state estimation functionalities (e.g., state-of-charge, state-of- health, state-of-energy) and the application specific BMS application (e.g., balancing, plausibility checks) are implemented within the foxBMS Application Layer. Additionally, an algorithm module provides an interface to execute advanced computation intensive algorithms.
As previously stated, one design paradigm is that all application code runs within the context of an operating system. In detail, this means that various tasks with different priorities are used to ensure the necessary real-time behavior of the BMS as shown in Fig. 10.2.

Fig. 10.2 foxBMS 2 Tasks & Priorities
Two different task implementations are used:
Cyclic executed task in non-blocking mode with a fixed period (1ms, 10ms, 100ms)
Consecutive running task in blocking-mode
Four scheduled tasks with a period of 1ms, 10ms, and 100ms, are configured to execute the various deterministic finite-state machines that describe the behavior of the BMS as shown in Fig. 10.3.

Fig. 10.3 foxBMS 2 Task Model - Cyclic Tasks
Time-sensitive software modules (e.g., diagnostics, measurement, CAN reception) are called within the Cyclic 1ms task, whereas less time critical modules (e.g., CAN transmission, interlock, BMS) are implemented inside the Cyclic 10ms task. Software modules that are temporally uncritical (e.g., state estimation, balancing) are handled by the Cyclic 100ms task. The additional Cyclic Algorithms 100ms task can be used for advanced user specific algorithms (e.g., moving averages, computation intensive state estimation algorithms).
Additional functionality is provided in through continuous running tasks that are implemented in blocking-mode. This means, that the detailed function implementation in these tasks defines the actual timing behavior (e.g., running time, blocking duration). The continuous running tasks are shown in Fig. 10.4.

Fig. 10.4 foxBMS 2 Task Model - Continuous Running Tasks
The Engine task is used to implement a data-exchange layer between the different tasks and processes. This data-exchange layer runs with the highest priority of all tasks and is interfaced using queues to either send or to receive data entries. These FreeRTOS queues are formally verified for memory safety, thread safety and functional correctness. Depending on the selected AFE, the respective driver is either implemented as non-blocking variant (executed in the Cyclic 1ms task) or blocking and then running in the AFE task. All drivers for hardware peripherals with an I2C interface on the foxBMS BMS-Master are called within the I2C task. The IDLE task is executed if all other tasks are currently blocked or are waiting to be executed again.